Solvent-free Method to Produce Stronger Dental Implants
Advanced Bioscaffolds for Dental Applications
Tags: The University of Queensland, Australia, Science & Exploration, Healthcare & Lifesciences
Researchers have innovated a solvent-free method for evenly mixing bioactive nanofillers in biodegradable scaffolds, overcoming the challenge of inhomogeneity in orofacial regeneration materials. This technique ensures consistent bioactivity and mechanical strength across scaffolds, improving manufacturing reliability. It facilitates the creation of resorbable, patient-specific scaffolds for dental implants, offering a solution for bone regeneration and augmentation in various dental defects. The technology has been successfully tested in sheep models, showing potential for practical applications in dentistry, including patient-specific implants that eliminate the need for removal surgery.
IP Type or Form Factor: Process & Method; Material
TRL: 3 - proof of concept with needs validated
Industry or Tech Area: Medical Devices; Mental Health