Heart-in-a-Jar: Personalized Drug Testing for Heart Failure
Heart-in-a-Jar: Singapore to Bioengineer Asian Mini Models of Failed Hearts to Test Drugs
Tags: SingHealth Duke-NUS, Singapore, Healthcare & Lifesciences
Researchers at the National Heart Centre Singapore, in partnership with Novoheart, are creating bioengineered miniature heart models, called Human Heart-in-a-Jar, using stem cells from Asian heart failure patients. These fingertip-sized models replicate patient-specific heart failure conditions, allowing for personalized drug testing and potentially replacing animal testing. Created from patients’ blood cells reprogrammed to beating heart cells, the models offer an accurate, non-invasive approach to understanding individual heart diseases. The technology could optimize treatments for heart failure, particularly in patients with preserved ejection fraction. Supported by a $5 million grant, this research aims to improve heart disease treatment for Asian patients.
IP Type or Form Factor: Device
TRL: 4 - minimum viable product built in lab
Industry or Tech Area: Biotechnology; Pharmaceutical Engineering