Efficient RO Membrane for High Salt Rejection & Desalination
High Salt Rejecting Composite Polyamide Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane for Desalination
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Industrial Automation & Manufacturing, Energy & Environment
The High Salt Rejecting Composite Polyamide Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane is designed for desalination, capable of removing over 97% of salinity from seawater with concentrations up to 35,000 ppm. This technology is particularly effective for producing potable water from highly saline sources like seawater and can also be applied in industries such as pharmaceuticals, wastewater treatment, and food processing. The membranes are created using a multi-step process involving casting, thin film coating, and assembly into spiral modules. This technology offers high reproducibility, removing salts and contaminants with commercial-grade materials readily available locally. The system is scalable for larger industrial applications, providing a reliable solution for water reuse and desalination.
IP Type or Form Factor: Device; Design; Material
TRL: 7 - product operates in intended environment with industrial standards
Industry or Tech Area: Purification & Separation; Wastewater Treatment