Tags: IIT Delhi, India, Consumer Goods & Services, Industrial Automation & Manufacturing
A natural dye extracted from pineapple fruit tops has been developed to improve wool dyeing performance while imparting antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The process utilizes flavonoid dyes that undergo chelation with Al (III) and Fe (II) metal salts, producing vibrant and multifunctional fabric. This eco-friendly dye offers a sustainable alternative to synthetic agents, reducing waste from pineapple processing. Applications include medical garments, sanitary textiles, military clothing, and home textiles like napkins and carpets. A functional prototype has been developed and successfully tested in a laboratory environment.
IP Type or Form Factor: Patent Pending; Material; Process & Method
TRL: 4 - minimum viable product built in lab
Industry or Tech Area: Textile & Garment; Sustainable Production Methods