Antineutrino Monitoring for Safer Nuclear Energy
A Non-Proliferation Solution: Using Antineutrinos to Surveil Nuclear Reactors
Tags: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Security & First Responders, Science & Exploration
Tokyo Tech scientists have developed a method to remotely monitor nuclear reactors using antineutrinos generated during nuclear fission. This technique allows the estimation of a reactor's operational status, fuel burnup, and fuel composition based on antineutrino emissions. The method shows promise for enhancing nuclear non-proliferation efforts and ensuring safer nuclear energy. The research highlights the effectiveness of this approach for light-water reactors, particularly for uranium isotopes. This technology could verify reactor operations and prevent the clandestine production of nuclear weapons materials.
IP Type or Form Factor: Process & Method; Software & Algorithm
TRL: 4 - minimum viable product built in lab
Industry or Tech Area: Defense & Security; Nuclear Energy & Physics